Sunday, 8 November 2009


Last night i didn't actually go to bed till about half 2 in the morning and i had to be up for 5am, so as you can gather i didn't get much sleep, and unlike any normal person, instead of going back to bed after i'd finished my shift at 10am and getting a couple of hours kip before my next shift at 5 in the evening, i did even more work on my blog. And now i have finished my secound shift of the day, and i have come home to.... you guessed it, blog some more. And now it's 10 past 2 in the morning and i'm starting to think that i've actually turned nocturnal. Oh and just to let you know, i didn't fall asleep at the tills =)

1 comment:

  1. I remember talking to you at 2 in the morning before your shifts :P hehe.

    And wasn't it me that asked if you had fallen asleep at the tills? xD

    Trust me, your a way off nocturnal yet ;) xx
